Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Guest Beers for Christmas

Guest Beers for Christmas and New Year

Crouch Vales
Santa's Revenge 5%

Mighty Oak's
Ice Dancer 4%
Yellow Snow 3.8%
Bingle Jells 5.2%

Nadelik 4.6%

Yuletide 4.5%

Morrissey Fox
Mulled Ale 4.6%

Bitter & Twisted 3.8%

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Live Music - December

Come and enjoy live music featuring talented local musicians at The Bell throughout December:

Friday, 5 December - Busking Sharks
Friday, 12 December - Bof!
Friday, 19 December - Claire & James
Sat, 27 December - Live Ade (Public Bar)
Sunday, 28 December - Darwyn
Sunday, 7 December - Singers' Club
(Acoustic sessions in the Disraeli room
from 3.00pm. £1.00 entry)

Music starts between 8.30-9.00pm in the Saloon Bar unless stated otherwise. Free entrance. All Welcome.

Sunday, 28 December - Live Jazz Music at 12.45 pm in the Disraeli Room. Entrance £3.00 (£5.00 per couple).

Friday, 21 November 2008


Thursday 27th November - Sunday 30th 2008
6-8 beers plus mulled wine and mead
starting 6pm Thursday Eve

Bingle Jells
wonderfully full bodies, full flavoured beer. Deep copper with well balanced malt & hop, both of which are present in abundance.

Ding Dong
A warming dark winter porter to help you reach the high notes this festive season.

Exe Mas Ale
Amber-red festive ale brewed with spices, orange zest, ginger and Brewers Gold hops.

Chestnut Stout
An easy drinking stout brewed with local chestnuts

Rumpy Pumpy
mid brown
New beer for Brentwood, as yet without an official description!! The name comes from the addition of rum to this beer. Fairly malty and easy to drink.

Chocwork Orange
Naughty but nice, a dark deep chocolaty beer with those pesky oranges for that extra pzazz, surprisingly easy to down!

Santa’s Revenge
A golden coloured ale with bags of fruity flavour, a delight to behold at xmas time. This beer is very similar to their brewers gold extra.

Black Prince
Faint malt and bubblegum aroma of this black mild leads to a complex taste of roast flavours, toffee and fruit esters balanced by bitterness. Liquorice, fudge and bitterness linger on the palate.

Guest Beers

Guest beers for this weekend and next, excluding festival beers.
(Sorry Ja for the delay, preperations fopr the beer festival took over, I hope you'll forgive me!)

World's Biggest Liar 4.3%
To coincide with Worlds Biggest Liar Competition A dark golden brown coloured bitter with a chocolate, toffee and roasted malt aroma. A biscuity flavour with a dry hop finish.

Tripple fff Brewery
Alton's Pride 3.8 %
Bronze award at Olympia 2003 & 2004.Golden brown session bitter, full bodied for 3,8%. A forward hoppy aroma with a long bitter finish. “Excellent, clean-tasting, golden brown session bitter, full bodied for it’s strength. A delicious aroma of malt and hops. An initially malty flavour fades as citrus notes and hoppiness take over, leading to a lasting hoppy, bitter finish.” Good Beer Guide 2005.
London Pride 4.1%
An award-winning classic. A rich, smooth and wonderfully balanced beer, its distinctive malty base is complemented by well developed hop character, from adding Target, Challenger and Northdown varieties to the brew.

Wherry Bitter 3.8%
Fresh and zesty with crisp floral flavours. A background of sweet malt and a hoppy ‘grapefruit’ bitter finish characterises this champion bitter

Friday, 7 November 2008

Guest Beers this week

Guest beers from this weekend (in no particular order):-

Doom Bar 4%
The aroma of Doom Bar is an accomplished balance of spicy resinous hop, inviting sweet malt and delicate roasted notes. The mouth feel is a perfectly balanced and complex blend of succulent dried fruit, lightly roasted malty notes and a subtle tey assertive bitterness, which remains into the finish with dry fruity notes.

The Dog’s Bollocks 5.2%
The dark ruby colour of Witch Otter makes it distinctive. It has a well-balanced malty flavour with a bittersweet chocolate edge.

Hop Back’s
Red Ember 4.6%
Red Ember is a red-brown medium bitterness beer with a citrus hoppiness and subtle ginger aftertones.

2008 Winter Beer Festival
Thursday 27th to Sunday 30th November

Sunday, 2 November 2008

WINTER BEER FESTIVAL - 27th - 30th November

Overdue Entry for Beers this Week !

Guest beers due this week (in no particular order) are:-

Wychwood's ON NOW
Hobgoblin 4.4%
Hobgoblin is strong in roasted malt with a moderate hoppy bitterness and slight fruity character that lasts through to the end.
The ruby red coloured Hobgoblin is full-bodied and has a delicious chocolate toffee malt flavour balanced with a rounded moderate bitterness and an overall fruity character.

Brentwood's ON NOW
Spooky Moon 3.8%
Dark traditional style session bitter with a sweet fruity aftertaste, brewed with chocolate malt and heavily hopped for an extra special flavour.

Doom Bar 4%
The aroma of Doom Bar is an accomplished balance of spicy resinous hop, inviting sweet malt and delicate roasted notes. The mouth feel is a perfectly balanced and complex blend of succulent dried fruit, lightly roasted malty notes and a subtle tey assertive bitterness, which remains into the finish with dry fruity notes.
2008 Winter Beer Festival
Thursday 27th to Sunday 30th November

Saturday, 1 November 2008

Live Music - November

Come and enjoy live music featuring talented local musicians at The Bell every weekend throughout November:

Friday, 7 November - Acousticky
Friday, 14 November - Too Late To Die Young
Friday, 21 November - The Diggers (back bar)
Thursday, 27 November - Darwyn
Friday, 28 November - Apricot Jam
Saturday, 29 November - Disraeli Band

Music starts between 8.30-9.00pm in the Saloon Bar unless stated otherwise. Free Entrance. All welcome.

Sunday, 30 November - Live Jazz Music at 12.45pm in the Disraeli Room. Entrance £3.00 (£5.00 per couple)

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Guest Beers

Guest beers available from this weekend (in no particular order) are:-

Dizzy Blonde 3.8%
A refreshing easy drinking ale with a light golden colour and a distinct malt palate.

Gold 4.4%

Yellow/gold in colour, rounded malt in the mouth, with a full bittersweet finish of Fuggles hops.

Doom Bar 4%
The aroma of Doom Bar is an accomplished balance of spicy resinous hop, inviting sweet malt and delicate roasted notes. The mouth feel is a perfectly balanced and complex blend of succulent dried fruit, lightly roasted malty notes and a subtle tey assertive bitterness, which remains into the finish with dry fruity notes.

2008 Winter Beer Festival
Thursday 27th to Sunday 30th November
Please feel free to blog any suggestions.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Guest Beers This Week

Guest beers due (in no particular order ) from this weekend are:-

Woodforde’s SOLD OUT
Wherry 3.8%
With afresh zesty aroma this is everything you could wish for from a 3.8% beer. A crisp and clean floral flavouor developing into a hoppy citrus bitterness.

Black Sheep’s SOLD OUT
Best Bitter
Well-hopped light golden session beer. Dry and refreshing, enjoyed through a rich creamy head.

Wyre Piddle’s
Piddle All Over 4.2%
A smooth well-balanced mid-brown beer with a lot of character and flavours. An exciting new ale not to be missed!

Dizzy Blonde 3.8%
A refreshing easy drinking ale with a light golden colour and a distinct malt palate.

2008 Winter Beer Festival
Thursday 27th to Sunday 30th November

Please feel free to blog requests.

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Guest Beers this Week

Beers due from this weekend (in no particular order) are:-

Sharp’s SOLD OUT
Doom Bar 4%
The aroma of Doom Bar is an accomplished balance of spicy resinous hop, inviting sweet malt and delicate roasted notes. The mouth feel is a perfectly balanced and complex blend of succulent dried fruit, lightly roasted malty notes and a subtle tey assertive bitterness, which remains into the finish with dry fruity notes.

Mighty Oak’s SOLD OUT
Wye Me 4.2%
Jet black, creamy stout, brewed with roast barley for colour and bite, and malted oats to give a satisfying mouthfeel. Espresso coffee, chocolate and liquorice notes are obvious.

Black Sheep’s
Best Bitter 3.8%
Well-hopped light golden session beer. Dry and refreshing, enjoyed through a rich creamy head.

Wherry 3.8%
With afresh zesty aroma this is everything you could wish for from a 3.8% beer. A crisp and clean floral flavouor developing into a hoppy citrus bitterness.

2008 Winter Beer Festival

Thursday 27th to Sunday 30th November

Friday, 3 October 2008

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Live Music - October

Be entertained at The Bell this October with live music on Friday evenings featuring talented local musicians:

Friday, 3 October - Jamie
Friday, 10 October - Clare and James
Friday, 17 October - T.B.A
Saturday, 18 October - Chocolate Earth
Friday, 24 October - Jamie M
Friday, 31 October - Itchy Feet

Music starts between 8.30 and 9.00pm in the saloon bar unless stated otherwise. Free entrance. All welcome.

Sunday, 26 October - Live Jazz Music at 12.45 pm in the Disraeli Room. Entrance £3.00 (£5.00 per couple)

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Guest Beers this Week

Guest beers available from this week (in no particular order) are:-

Mighty Oak's SOLD OUT
'Booze Cruise' 3.9%

A tawny coloured well hopped ale brewed with Crystal malt, Pilgrim, Cascade and Willamette hops.

Sharp's SOLD OUT
'Own' 4.4%
Rich roasted and malty notes are key to the aroma of Own with some light hop tones. The mouthfeel is one full of malty sweetness complimented by a good measure of hop bitterness. The finish which is sweet and malty is lingering but not satiating. This is a product packed with flavour.

Sharp's SOLD OUT
'Doom Bar' 4%
The aroma of Doom Bar is an accomplished balance of spicy resinous hop, inviting sweet malt and delicate roasted notes. The mouth feel is a perfectly balance and complex blend of succulent dried fruit, lightly roasted malty notes and a subtle yet assertive bitterness, which remains into the finish with dry fruity notes.

Sharp's SOLD OUT
'Eden Pure Ale' 4.3%
Hops dominate the aroma of Eden Pure Ale complemented by the light fruit esters. In the mouth again hops are the centerpiece with dry bitterness and a hint of malty sweetness. The finish is dry and hoppy serving to stimulate and refresh the palate.

2008 Winter Beer Festival

Thursday 27th to Sunday 30th November

Fun Night at The Smokay Corral!

Last Friday saw the launch of The Bell's new outside smoking area, 'The Smokay Corral' together with the lofty 'Marlboro Heights'.

Local resident and renowned octogenarian, Mr Bramley Buckley-Saxon cut the ribbon before enjoying a pint of ale and a cigar in the early evening sunshine. The Corral has been finished to the highest standard and furnished with several items of tobbaciana including a vintage cigarette vending machine which originally stood at Tills V Smith Garage (now closed) in Castle Hedingham.

Those attending the launch were served barbecued king prawns and spicy chicken wings from the vine-covered patio, courtesy of Turkish chef, Murat.

With easy access to the bar via the ("looks like they've always been there") new patio doors, customers continued to enjoy the mild evening and Mediterranean vibe until closing time.