Monday, 8 August 2011

Live Music August 2011

Come and enjoy a variety of live music every weekend at The Bell. Generally, bands play in the Saloon Bar on Friday evenings from around 9.00 pm.

We also have an open mic night on the 3rd Thursday of the month from 8.30 pm for anyone who would like to have a go themselves.

Friday, 5 August - Jamie Maguire
Friday, 12 August - Area 5

Thursday, 18 August - Open Mic night with The Flaming Llamas

Friday, 19 August - Too Old to Die Young
Friday, 26 August - Superfruit
Friday, 2 September - The Dice People

Entrance is free - everyone welcome.

Sunday, 28 August - Live Jazz Music in the Disraeli Room (£5 entrance).

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